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What needs to be considered when traveling to Italy? Which documents do you need to carry? Here is a little overview with does and dont's. 


- Driving License 

- Registration Certificate

- ID Card or Passport for Non-Europeans

- Insurance certificate 


It is mandatory to wear a Helmet in Italy. The Helmet needs to have been certified according to ECE-Norm 22-05. Failing to do so may result in heavy fines. In some cases the bike could be confiscated for 90 days. 


In towns: 50 km/h max. 

Country Roads: 90km/h max. 

Highways (blue): 110 km/h. When road is wet 90 km/h max and for beginners (license < 3 years

Highways (green) 130 km/h max. 110 km/h when road is wet and 100 km/h for beginners. 


Abulance and Services: Tel: 112

First Aid Kit 

There is no loegal requirement to carry a first aid kit but I would recommend it. Some roads are not really heavily frequented and you want to be ready to help yourself and others.


Also during the day Motorbikes have to have their lights on. 


Highways (green) are generally subject to tolls. South of Palermo some highways are free but apart from that you will be asked to pay cash or by card according to the distance travelled. 


If you need a workshop you might have a bit of a hard time since not everyone speaks english and not everyone is willing to help. iOverlander might help. Else I had good experiences here:

Royal Enfield Cremona: 

+39 0372 747589


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